Monday, September 2, 2013

Week of September 2nd

Thanks to all of my students for another great week.  You are all putting forth effort during class and following our rule and rituals & routines.

1.  Spiral Notebooks are to be brought everyday to class
2.  Workbook needs to be brought this week
3.  Sign-up for Remind 101
4.  Have you gone onto the online book yet? This is a great resource

Goal Setting:
What are your goals this week?  
How will you reach them?

September 3rd & 4th (Tues/Wed)
1.  Review Vocab - pt, line, plane, seg, ray, collinear points, non-collinear points, parallel lines, perpendicular lines, intersecting lines, skew lines, angles, vertex, acute angle, obtuse angle, rt angle, straight angle, congruent 
2.  Distance Formula
Worksheet - Distance Formula

September 5th & 6th (Thur/Fri) 
1.  Quiz Vocab (15 minutes)
2.  Distance Formula Review
3.  Midpoint
Worksheets - Midpoint

Have a great weekend!