It is hard to
believe that summer is over and another school year is about to begin.
I am excited about the
opportunity to work with all of our students and parents and I am eager to start
another great year.
“Success is not a place at which one arrives, but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.”
This means a couple of things. First, it means that although the end result (grades) are important, the journey that we take along the way as we curiously investigate the world around us, stretch our thinking, grow in character, and become a true community of learners is just as important as that end goal of grades. What this also means is that as you, your parents and I work together for you to have a successful expedition this year.
I am so looking forward to working with you and your family as we partner together to make your year a success. I hope that you are as excited as I am to begin this fantastic voyage!
(5) 1 Subject Notebooks (75-90 pages), Graph Paper, Pencils, Color Pencils, Calculator, Hand Sanitizer, and Box of Tissue
Classwork: August 19th & 20th
*Rituals &
*Introduction to Geometry
*Setting up our Notebooks
*Setting up our Notebooks
A. Curriculum Paper Signed by Parent
B. Student Information Sheet Please Print
C. Math Survey Fully Completed
B. Student Information Sheet Please Print
C. Math Survey Fully Completed
D. Log into the ONLINE
Book with the CODE Provided
Text Communication Option:
Remind 101 is a safe way for me to text messages to students/parents. I will never see students or parents phone numbers nor will you see mine. This is only one-way messaging and is allowing me to send updates and reminders. So if you want to get on the text list follow these directions:
Step 1
Text this number 754-220-7738
Step 2
You must use your class period only and text the following message
Period 2A Code @msfent
Period 3A Code @msfento
Period 4A Code @msfenton
Period 5B Code @0db8
Period 7B Code @ddbf9
Period 8B Code @period8b
Step 3
You will get a text asking for your name - please make sure you put in your first name and last name initial (this is very important).
Text Communication Option:
Remind 101 is a safe way for me to text messages to students/parents. I will never see students or parents phone numbers nor will you see mine. This is only one-way messaging and is allowing me to send updates and reminders. So if you want to get on the text list follow these directions:
Step 1
Text this number 754-220-7738
Step 2
You must use your class period only and text the following message
Period 2A Code @msfent
Period 3A Code @msfento
Period 4A Code @msfenton
Period 5B Code @0db8
Period 7B Code @ddbf9
Period 8B Code @period8b
Step 3
You will get a text asking for your name - please make sure you put in your first name and last name initial (this is very important).